A New Impact Model for PC-Crash - Theory and Validation

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Steffan, H.


Moser, A.; Lichteneckert, T.

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11. EVU-Jahrestagung, Portoroz 2002


Steffan, H.; Moser, A.; Lichteneckert, T.: Ein neues Kraftstoßmodell für PC-Crash - Theorie und Validierung. 11. EVU-Jahrestagung, Portoroz 2002

HGV displayed by ellipsoids

German, 13 pages, 13 figures, 18 references
Keywords: accident reconstruction, simulation, multi-body-systems

The development of a simple but reliable impact model is crucial for any accident simulation program. These models need to account automatically for the vehicle’s local stiffness. Up to now, collision analysis – at least in Europe – mostly relied on point contact models which are algebraic in nature and consider the impact as instantaneous. In vehicle construction, however, numerous models based on finite elements are common. While point contact models only need a split second for computing, a typical FE simulation takes several hours computing time. Just setting up the necessary calculation grids takes several months; moreover, detailed design drawings have to be available. The paper presents the impact model of a selected simulation program, which is based on a compromise. This approach makes use of multi body systems. The vehicle’s crush behaviour could be modelled successfully through the use of non-linear spring-damper elements. This approach is also able to model further typical phenomena, like, for example, the buckling or folding of a beam as well as mutual supporting effects of different structures.