Collecting Evidence of Road Traffic and Aviation Accidents

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Arnold, J.


Braun, M.

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12. EVU-Jahrestagung, Zürich 2003


Arnold, J.; Braun, M.: Spurensicherung bei Verkehrs- und Flugunfällen. Spurensicherung heute und in Zukunft - Jede Spur zählt! 12. EVU-Jahrestagung, Zürich 2003

Traces of Collision

German, 23 pages, 64 figures
Keywords: securing evidence

Every accident is unique and is a new challenge for the emergency teams. Rescue, recovery and fire fighting have absolute priority.
After this first intervention the phase of “handling the incident” starts. Part of this is very often the reconstruction of the development of the accident – for the court, for the technical understanding of the accident’s reason or for prevention. The basis of every accident reconstruction is collecting evidence. It is essential to find, to document and to preserve evidence and evidence complexes as complete as possible. In this presentation we try to explain with some examples how the Forensic Service works and what the basic ideas of thorough and interdisciplinary case work are.