The 'End Way Recorders' RAG 1000 and RAG 2000

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Main author

Herrmann, U.



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12. EVU-Jahrestagung, Zürich 2003


Herrmann, U.: Die Restwegaufzeichnungsgeräte RAG 1000 und RAG 2000. 12. EVU-Jahrestagung, Zürich 2003

Use of RAG

German, 12 pages, 13 figures
Keywords: tachograph, tram

For more than 15 years the RAG 1000 and the RAG 2000 have proven worthwhile in practical operation in Switzerland. Up to now some 10'000 pieces were sold. The RAG 1000 records speed and course of the last 20 minutes actual drive, together with eight status informations like brake, turn indicators and headlights. The RAG 2000 records speed and
course of the last 12 kilometres drive and it is equipped with a mobile, non vehicle-related data carrier. The main applications of these devices are Swiss military, public transport, emergency services such as police, ambulances and fire departments. Together with the company Mobatime Swiss, more than 200 authorized garages are mounting and maintaining the RAG. Keeping it's compatibility the devices as well as the software for the analysis have been developed and upgraded continually.