Certainties and Doubts in Accident Reconstruction

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Mackay, M.



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12. EVU-Jahrestagung, Zürich 2003


Mackay, M.: Certainties and Doubts in Accident Reconstruction. 12. EVU-Jahrestagung, Zürich 2003

English, 7 pages, 8 references
Keywords: tools, methods

The application of new knowledge and technologies to accident reconstruction over the last 40 years has radically advanced our understanding of the characteristics of accidents, and greatly improved the objectivity of research findings and the quality of evidence used in legal cases. However, the pressures of the courtroom and sometimes the relationship between the expert and client can lead to technical evidence being presented with an unwarranted certainty, and with insufficient analysis to support the expert opinions which are expressed. This paper reviews the evolution of some of the techniques now routinely used in accident reconstruction, and suggests that because of assumptions made in many routine analyses, a greater application of ranges of uncertainty is needed in conclusions drawn by experts. This is particularly the case in some of the newer areas of litigation such as the analysis of restraint use and performance, injury causation analysis, and vehicle crashworthiness and product liability. The introduction of multivariable crash recorders has the potential to revolutionise our approach to accident reconstruction.