The meaning of electronically stored data for analysing accidents from the manufacturer’s point of view

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Zeidler, Falk



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Zeidler, F.: Die Bedeutung der Speicherung von elektronischen Daten für die Analyse aus Sicht des Herstellers. 15. EVU-Jahrestagung, Dresden 2006

Real accident Mercedes C-Class vs. HGV

English, 6 pages, 3 figures, 4 references
Keywords: control unit, vehicle inspection

Because vehicles in Europe are rarely equipped with Event Data Recorders, attempts are made to use other electronically recorded data for accident analysis. This kind of data is either recorded for diagnosis in vehicle inspections or for the activation of pyrotechnical restraint systems. This paper addresses the possibilities and limits if this data is to be used for reconstruction purposes as well as legal and technical aspects which have to be considered. In light of these facts the position from a car manufacturer’s point of view is described.