The Influence of Tunnel Lighting on Cognitive and Visual Performance Parameters - a Field Study

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Canazei; M.


Pohl, W.; Staggl, S.

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20. EVU Conference, Graz


Canazei; M.: The Influence of Tunnel Lighting on Cognitive and Visual Performance Parameters - a Field Study. 20. EVU Conference, Gratz

This work describes a field trial, within which the effects of a newly developed LED - tunnel lighting system was compared with a standard tunnel lighting system (i.e. punctual light sources using high-pressure sodium lamps). LED lights mounted to the tunnel walls allow for two novel illumination principles: co- and counter-flux lighting (in German ‘Mistrahl–‘ and ‘Gegenstrahlprinzip’)
For the present study, a novel measuring procedure was developed, which allowed for the evaluation of performance parameters (divided attention and visual distinction sensitivity) and the subjective perception while driving. 35 experienced drivers, aged 24 to 69, males and females, volunteered for this study.
The LED tunnel lighting was perceived significantly less monotonous, safer and more pleasant in terms of colour compared to standard tunnel lighting systems. These differences in the subjective perception were more pronounced in older volunteers.
The volunteers achieved higher sizes in attentional measures when the tunnel was illuminated with LED. Generally, younger volunteers performed better than older volunteers. Surprisingly, the attentional performance of older volunteers under LED co-flux (‘Mitstrahlprinzip’) conditions was equivalent to that of younger volunteers under conventional tunnel lighting conditions.