DIY- Project: Photographing accident sites with Quadrocopter (Translation)

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Winninghoff, M.



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20. EVU Conference, Graz


Winninghoff, M.: DIY- Project: Photographing accident sites with Quadrocopter (Translation). 20. EVU Conference, Gratz

The article by Markus Winninghoff is about flying devices with four rotors (Quadrocopter) that are used for overviewing and measurement of accident sites with the help of camera footage from the air. Quadrocopters are remote-controlled aircrafts, equipped with digital cameras, and have qualities that can be used at accident sites for evaluation, due to their outstanding design. The article covers in particular the construction and deployment of the aircraft with all the helpful hints on how to make your own Quadrocopter without having to rely on overpriced complete systems from the commercial market.