Fuzzy logic in car crash accidents

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Main author

Vangi, Dario


Begani, Filippo

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Publication type

Conference report

Publication year



EVU-Annual meeting 2007


Vangi, D.; Begani, F.: Fuzzy logic in car crash accidents

The paper present a new approach to the road accident reconstruction, based on the fuzzy logic. Generally each type of accident can be reconstructed by a specific analytical or numerical model or empirical correlations. However, in some type of collisions, the models require to much parameters to correctly describe the phenomenon. The fuzzy approach is based on the development of a set of logical rules deducted from the experimental results, from crash test or real accident data or from numerical simulation, without using analytical or numerical models. In this way most of the physical parameters required for a complete description of the phenomena can be taken in account, also in a qualitative way, and the approach seems very suitable for the reconstruction of the accidents like those between car and pedestrian or car to car at low speed. In the paper we done an example of fuzzy approach with regard to the car to car low speed accident and the related whiplash injury.