Template for EVU-papers

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Editing LaTex-Documents by means of the TexnicsCenter

PDF output

Starting with the conferences in Dresden 2006 and Krakow 2007, the EVU has begun to unify the (two-column) layout for its conference papers and proceedings. This project will be continued at 2008's conference in Nice. In order to keep the layout stable in three languages (German / English / French) we are going to use LaTeX as the conferences layout system. Thus the organising committee will rearrange papers submitted as Word documents.
For the authors this means:

1. Don't waste to much effort on the layout of your paper.

2. Please supply the text and every figure as a single file.

3. Photographs should be supplied as colour JPEGs with at least 1024 pixels horizontal resolution (if to be printed column-wide).

4. Vector drawings (e.g. CAD sketches) and diagrams (e.g. stemming from Excel) should be provided either in the original format or as PDFs (please NO JPEGs!).

Those who want to get a guess on the layout can use the below templates for Word and LaTeX. Within these templates you will find more detailed layout instructions. Even if you decide to try a layout yourself, please supply us with the sheer text and a single file for each figure, as explained above.