Driver Identification by Means of Residues from the Airbag Propellant

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Paduraru, G.



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18. EVU Conference, Hinckley


Paduraru, G.: Driver Identification by Means of Residues from the Airbag Propellant. 18th EVU Conference, Hinckley (UK) 2009

English, 6 pages, 7 figures, 4 references

In many situations the driver changes place with the passenger. Usually this trick is used in order
to avoid responsibility when the passenger has died. At the moment of impact the airbag deploys. It
is well known that the gas which inflates the airbag stems from an explosive mixture which detonates
at moment of impact. By analysing the particles from the unburned mixture and burned residues
using the gun shot residue (GSR) method, we can obtain the answer to the question: Who was behind
the steering wheel?