Event Data Recording in the context of European Road Safety Policy

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Schmidt-Cotta, R.-R.



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20. EVU Conference, Graz


Schmidt-Cotta, R.-R.: Event Data Recording in the context of European Road Safety Policy. 20. EVU Conference, Gratz

The contribution is to give an update on the presentation given on the 19th EVU Annual Congress in Prague on developments in European politics in in-vehicle Event Data Recording (EDR)
The Congress in Prague triggered a number of promising contacts & initiatives taken by EVU members and beyond. Their objective was to indentify political allies for EDR implementation in Europe and to challenge the pros and cons together with e.g. Members of the European Parliament. It appeared and still appears necessary to further encourage the European Commission to pursue their way towards EDR legislation initiated in 2004 when they called for a feasibility study for mandatory EDR implementation which then disembogued into the two VERONICA Projects conducted between 2005 and 2009.