ABS in motorcycles

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Eichholzer, T.


Sinzig, B.; Aberle, T.

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19. EVU Conference, Prague


Eichholzer, T.: ABS in motorcycles. 19. EVU Conference, Prague

The Anti Blocking System (ABS) in personal vehicles is offered serially nowadays with only few exceptions. In 1988, BMW produced the first motorcycles with ABS (K100 series). However, the penetration of the motorcycle market by ABS models has been poor until today. The AXA Winterthur carried out a study on the motorcycle models with ABS availability. Out of 464 offered models, only 19.4% were equipped with such driving assistant.
A study of 65 accident-analysis reports with motorcycle participation from the year 2007 and 2008 showed that in 29 cases braking was involved before the collision. In 12 of these 29 cases the braking led to a fall before collision.