Full-Scale Rollover Testing of Commercial Cargo-Tank Vehicles

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Winkler, C. B.



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18. EVU Conference, Hinckley


Winkler, C. B.:Full-Scale Rollover Testing of Commercial Cargo-Tank Vehicles. 18th EVU Conference, Hinckley (UK) 2009

English, 10 pages, 13 figures, 7 references

Tests were conducted in which a unit tank truck and a tractor-semitanker combination were subjected
to full-scale rollovers. The unit truck was equipped with roll bars closely matching the profile
of the vehicle and was rolled in four different manoeuvres of varying severity. The combination vehicle
was rolled once in a very severe manoeuvre. The instrumentation used allowed detailed analysis of
tank motions before, during, and after rollover.
Summary results are presented for all five rollovers. Two of the rollover events, the least severe
rollover of the unit truck and the rollover of the combination vehicle, are examined in great detail.