An Improved Wheel Suspension Model for PC-Crash for Rollover Simulation

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Plank, M. A.



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18. EVU Conference, Hinckley


Plank, M. A.: An Improved Wheel Suspension Model for PC-Crash for Rollover Simulation. 18th EVU Conference, Hinckley (UK) 2009

English, 8 pages, 8 figures, 5 references

The current vehicle model in PC-Crash is optimised for simulating typical collisions, and lacks the
requirements for the accurate simulation of vehicle rollover. A real full-scale rollover test has therefore
been analysed and an improvement in the wheel suspension model in PC-Crash derived. Knowing the
exact figures for the vehicle’s mass geometry, four aspects of the suspension were chosen to improve
the simulation of vehicle rollover. Those are introduced in this paper. At the same time, model
restrictions of PC-Crash have been identified. Those restrictions and their consequential constraints
are also discussed in this paper.