Vehicle Fault Memory Data Extraction and Interpretation

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Coyne, M.


Spek, A.; Reynolds, J.; van Essen, J.; Bot, H.

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19. EVU Conference, Prague


Coyne, M.: Vehicle Fault Memory Data Extraction and Interpretation. 19. EVU Conference, Prague

In the past few years both the Rotterdam Police and the NFI have been following developments in vehicle design, turning their focus towards electronic systems in vehicles. Data from these systems can be helpful for accident reconstruction. Extraction results and validation efforts are presented here. We also present a new data extraction tool, specifically designed by the Rotterdam Police for the goal of extraction of freeze frame data after an accident. A distinction is made between diagnostic freeze frame data and data from an Event Data Recorder (EDR). We conclude that the latter, EDR data, is more desirable than the former. The former, however, is available in a much larger percentage of vehicles. An appeal is made for the introduction of EDR legislation in the European Union.